The Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) published today its recommendations for improving the information on secondary corporate bond markets available to both regulators and the public.
The recommendations seek to ensure that regulators have better access to information so they can perform their functions more effectively, and to enhance cross-border information sharing and understanding. The transparency recommendations aim to support the price discovery process and facilitate better informed investment choices.
Updating IOSCO ́s 2004 report on Transparency of Corporate Bond Markets, the Regulatory Reporting and Public Transparency in the Secondary Corporate Bond Markets report makes seven recommendations that emphasize the importance of ensuring the availability of information to regulators, through reporting, and to the public, through transparency requirements.
The report recommends that regulatory authorities should ensure that they have access to sufficient information to perform their regulatory functions effectively. In addition, it recommends regulatory authorities should have clearer regulatory reporting and transparency frameworks to facilitate better cross- border understanding of corporate bond markets.
The report also recommends that regulatory authorities should consider steps to enhance pre-trade transparency in corporate bond markets and implement regimes that require post-trade transparency.
Regulatory Reporting and Public Transparency in the Secondary Corporate Bond Markets (PDF)