Tommaso Colozza
Ricercatore a tempo determinato presso il Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano. Laurea specialistica in Matematica Applicata presso l’Università di Firenze, Phd in Mathematical Methods for Economics and Finance presso l’Università di Pisa e research visiting presso la Banca d’Italia. I suoi principali interessi di ricerca sono: credit risk e misure di rating, financial regulation e modelli econometrici focalizzati alle interazioni tra mercati ed economia reale.
Benoit Coeuré, member of the executive board of the ECB, addressed the annual US Monetary Policy Forum which took place in New York on February, 23rd. Coeuré focused on assets purchase programme, which reached unprecedently high levels in recent years. Particularly, he addresses the question on whether ...more »
Tagged width: Colozza Tommaso, politica monetaria
Fernando Restoy, chairman of the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) at the Bank of International Settlement, pointed out the near-future challenges for regulators in view of the post-crisis development of the banking sector. The crisis inflated public debt in advanced economies, and increased also the level ...more »
Tagged width: banking, Colozza Tommaso