EBA launches consultation to amend regulation on benchmarking of internal models

Gen 04 2019

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a consultation to amend the Commission’s Implementing Regulation on benchmarking of internal models to adjust the benchmarking portfolios and reporting requirements in view of the benchmarking exercise it will carry out in 2020. The proposed changes aim at simplifying the portfolio’s structure for the credit risk part of the exercise, and getting more insights into the model used for pricing for the market risk part of the exercise. The consultation will run until 31st January 2019.

Based on the feedback received from the recent interactions with institutions, the EBA’s proposals included in this Consultation Paper aim at facilitating the reporting for the credit risk portfolios. The simplification of the structure of the data collection as well as the reduction of the number of portfolios is expected to enhance the data quality. Furthermore, the objective is to keep the structure of the portfolios stable for the 2021 exercise.

The main changes in the definitions of the credit risk portfolios are (1) a reduction in the number of portfolios to be submitted, (2) a simplification and alignment in the structure of the portfolios to be submitted and (3) a number of technical refinements, such as the inclusion of covered bonds, an update of the Indexed loan-to-value range (ILTV), Statistical Classification of Economic Activities of the EU (NACE) and Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) splits, and the introduction of a sub sample of large corporates with revenue below or above 500m€.

The EBA is also proposing minor consistency updates as well as a data collection of the sensitivities aiming at further improving the data quality.

Draft Implementing Technical Standards with regard to benchmarking of internal models (PDF)


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