EBA and ESMA publish guidelines on suitability of management body members and shareholders for entities under MiCA

Posted in: News

Giu 27 2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) today published joint guidelines on the suitability of members of the management body, and on the assessment of shareholders and members with qualifying holdings for issuers of asset reference tokens (ARTs) and crypto-asset service providers ...more »

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Posted in: News

Mag 26 2023
A seguito della richiesta della Commissione europea, l’Autorità bancaria europea (EBA) ha aggiornato i modelli da utilizzare per la seconda segnalazione annuale delle informazioni sui depositi soggetti ai regolamenti sulle sanzioni economiche per la Russia e la Bielorussiahttps://www.dirittobancario.it/art/eba-aggiorna-i-modelli-per-le-comunicazioni-sui-depositi-russi-e-bielorussi/

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