
Scelto il secondo gruppo di partecipanti per sperimentare la DLT per il regolamento monetario della banca centrale

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Giu 27 2024
a BCE ha pubblicato l’elenco del secondo gruppo di operatori scelti per partecipare alle attività esplorative sull’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie per il regolamento delle transazioni all’ingrosso in moneta di banca centrale (c.d. second wave)…

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Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates)

Posted in: News

Giu 22 2024
On 5 June 2024 the Governing Council authorised the publication of the second ECB report on the climate-related financial disclosures of Eurosystem assets held for monetary policy purposes and the ECB’s foreign reserves…

Policymaking in a new risk environment

Posted in: News

Giu 15 2024
It is a pleasure to be here in Dubrovnik. To this day, the stunning beauty of this city evokes the words of one of its most famous poets, Ivan Gundulić: “O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo”. These words may be centuries old, but they ...more »

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Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates)

Posted in: News

Mag 13 2024
On 16 April 2024 the Governing Council adopted Decision ECB/2024/11 on the remuneration of non-monetary policy deposits held with national central banks and the European Central Bank, under which the remuneration ceiling for euro area overnight government deposits will remain unchanged at euro short-term rate (€STR) ...more »

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