Basilico Elisabetta
Applied Quantitative Analysis (AQA LLC)
Big Data is being increasingly used in many spheres of investment, and identifying sources of information which lend themselves to this practice has become a hot topic both in academia and the investment profession. Social media is an obvious contender here and can be thought ...more »
Tagged width: Basilico Elisabetta, fintech
With discussion of systematic strategies becoming more prominent among fund selectors, do people actually know what they are buying into? In this exclusive piece, financial professional and quantitative investment specialist Elisabetta Basilico looks into the ‘algorithm aversion’ which could be holding back greater investor uptake. ...more »
Tagged width: Basilico Elisabetta, fintech
Big data e artificial intelligence applicati agli investimenti. Una (parziale) review della letteratura
di Elisabetta Basilico
Posted in: Articolo
I dati di bilancio, i prezzi delle varie asset class, i volumi scambiati in Borsa sono definiti dati «strutturati», spesso già ben organizzati in database commerciali e di facile analisi attraverso software quali SQL e Excel. Questi dati, molto studiati in accademia, rappresentano il 10% ...more »
Tagged width: Basilico Elisabetta, capital markets, edufin, fintech